National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute is one of the best research centers in the country which provides scientific basis to aid policy-making, planning and executive management to meet the nutritional needs of people, providing health and develop experts and training needed to advance science, design, planning and management of the technical, scientific and executive in the aspects of production, transformation, food intake and safety of society.

Applicants interested should submit their educational documents, copy of passport and a passport size picture to


The following is how you can join the international programs of NNFTRI:

  1. Explore our programs
  2. Review admission requirements
  3. Prepare your application
  4. Register on the Organization of Student Affairs website
  5. Fill the online application form
  6. Email your documents to


Review application requirements



  • master degree related to major applying for PhD courses
  • bachelor degree related to major applying for MSc courses
  • English language proficiency certification (IELTS or TOEFL)
  • Pervious degree diploma and transcripts
  • Three recommendation letters



Please find application form via link below:

Please find the students visa application forms via link below: